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Jon Anderson habla sobre la creación de Close to the Edge

Iniciado por icrp1961, 22 de Abril de 2016, 11:41:47 AM

Tema anterior - Siguiente tema


Esto es interesante, muy interesante, si vuestro inglés es suficiente:

Jon Anderson comenta aspectos de la construcción del álbum, tema a tema y sección por sección.
Music shouldn't be easy to understand. You have to come to the music yourself, gradually. Not everything must be received with open arms. (John Coltrane, 1963)
"Nada es verdad, todo está permitido" (El almuerzo desnudo, William S. Burroughs)


Cita de: icrp1961 en 22 de Abril de 2016, 11:41:47 AM
Esto es interesante, muy interesante, si vuestro inglés es suficiente:

Jon Anderson comenta aspectos de la construcción del álbum, tema a tema y sección por sección.

Voy! A ver si me entero...


"I had been listening to an album called Sonic Seasoning by Walter Carlos, who's now Wendy Carlos, and it gave me the idea for this sound effect that came from outer space. It came towards you and then bang! – the band started charging. At first, there's this wonderful musical chaos, and then we have the guitar riff."

La intro de Close To The Edge. Al principio me costaba un horror conseguir escucharla atento, sin perderme en esas imbricaciones tan complejas. Después, cuando conseguí entenderla, creo que es lo mejor que ha hecho nunca la banda. Es un pasaje que exige el 100% al oyente.


Habla él, con lo que esto es subjetivo, pero da una idea de liderazgo a la hora de componer y plasmar el tema.


Vamos a ir poniendo aquí las metáforas del disco, corregidme si me equivco, por favor:

"Simply put, 'A seasoned witch could call you from the depths of your disgrace' – that means your higher self will eventually bring you out of your dark world."

Tu yo espiritual te lleva fuera de tu oscuridad.


"'Sudden cause shouldn't take away the startled memory/ all in all, the journey takes you all the way.' The idea is that life is an ongoing journey, and you have to enjoy it, you know?"

La idea es que la vida es un viaje continuo, y hay que disfrutarlo.


"Two million people barely satisfy.' It's about the incredible imbalance of the human experience on the planet."

Se trata del increíble desequilibrio de la experiencia humana en el planeta.


"There's got to come a time where I can get back in with [sings] The time between the notes relates the color to the scenes."

Entonces llegó el tiempo donde yo pude volver a cantar de nuevo. Y parece que a eso se refiere la estrofa.


"The line that goes, 'Then according to the man who showed his outstretched arm to space/ he turned around and pointed, revealing all the human race' – I'd had this dream where I was up on a mountain. This man was holding me around the shoulders, and he was pointing and saying, 'That's the human experience.' And I smiled because I realized that it was true."

Entonces, de acuerdo con el hombre que enseñó su brazo estirado hacia el espacio, él iba señalando diciendo, esa es la experiencia humana. Yo tuve ese sueño cuando estuve en una montaña. Este hombre me cogía de los hombros y estaba señalando y diciendo, esta es la experiencia humana. Yo sonreí porque me dí cuenta de que era verdad.


"I would always record Rick when he was writing music. He was working on something at the time, and I said, 'Let's develop this theme.' It felt really good."

Aquí Jon reconoce autoría a Rick, pero luego no está acreditado.


"It goes to a totally different song and feel. Steve is a magical guitar player, and he could switch to a new style so easily. I said to him, 'It's got to be have a real country feel to it.' He knew just what to do, and then Chris, one of the greatest melodic bassists ever, came in, and right there the song sat together so sweet."
"Steve's guitar playing is brilliant. I've always been amazed at his incredible talent."

Jon habla extraordinariamente bien de sus compañeros Steve y Chris. También he leído a Chris hablar estraordinariamente bien de Jon . Y a Rick de todos.


Esta parte es fantástica: "I remember when we did And You And I at the Spectrum in Philadelphia for the first time. The whole room was so alive with the music we were making – it was really overwhelming – and when we were finished, the audience cheered and clapped for 15 minutes. I'm not kidding."


Más enigmas sobre Siberian Khatru:

"I was playing this on acoustic guitar the other day. 'Khatru' means 'as you wish' in Yemeni. When we were working on it, I kept singing the word over and over again, even though I had no idea what it meant. I asked somebody to look it up for me, and when they told me the meaning, it worked for the song.

"I had already written most of it, but I needed help with some of the sections. I started playing it on guitar for the band, and then I realized that it needed a strong riff. Steve really helped out with some of the parts and, of course, the riff. The song could work with the riff and the vocals alone.

[Sings] "'Even Siberia goes through the motions... '" The idea is that Siberia is so far away. The Iron Curtain still existed, and Siberia was like this no man's land. Russia is such a huge country, and the thought was that life still happens there as it does here."

Khatru significa como desees. Siberia representa una tierra de nadie. Al mismo tiempo está el telón de acero y la enormidad de Rusia. Y el pensamiento de que a pesar de todo eso, la vida existe también allí. Así que debe de ser algo como espiritual. Como desea un poder espiritual, hay vida hasta en Siberia. O algo así.

Carlos, te estoy echando de menos.


Music shouldn't be easy to understand. You have to come to the music yourself, gradually. Not everything must be received with open arms. (John Coltrane, 1963)
"Nada es verdad, todo está permitido" (El almuerzo desnudo, William S. Burroughs)


Aparte de lo que quiera cantar Anderson, que en muchas ocasiones es algo "oblicuo", lo más revelador es la manera de trabajar.
Componiendo a cachos, en sesiones enmarcadas por recitales. Parece que hay una especie de acción - reacción "si haces esto yo hago esto otro" y respuestas a necesidades ("una entrada de guitarra acústica...").
Que Anderson no captara a la primera la entrada de "Close to the Edge", no me extraña, el es cantante antes que instrumentista.
Lo de la reacción del público ante "And You and I", me lo creo. Es una gran canción, "mi" canción de Yes. Me imagino escuchar esto por gente empapada de Fragile.
Music shouldn't be easy to understand. You have to come to the music yourself, gradually. Not everything must be received with open arms. (John Coltrane, 1963)
"Nada es verdad, todo está permitido" (El almuerzo desnudo, William S. Burroughs)


Cita de: sahagun en 22 de Abril de 2016, 12:30:48 PM
"I had been listening to an album called Sonic Seasoning by Walter Carlos, who's now Wendy Carlos, and it gave me the idea for this sound effect that came from outer space. It came towards you and then bang! – the band started charging. At first, there's this wonderful musical chaos, and then we have the guitar riff."

La intro de Close To The Edge. Al principio me costaba un horror conseguir escucharla atento, sin perderme en esas imbricaciones tan complejas. Después, cuando conseguí entenderla, creo que es lo mejor que ha hecho nunca la banda. Es un pasaje que exige el 100% al oyente.

Eso que digo aquí es de mi cosecha, no de Jon Anderson. Estaba relatando mi experiencia con esta intro.


A mi la que realmente me interesa es la opinión de Billy Sherwood. ;D


Cita de: jolubur en 22 de Abril de 2016, 14:28:20 PM
A mi la que realmente me interesa es la opinión de Billy Sherwood. ;D

Y sobre todo la reinterpretación de Jon Davison;D ;D ;D ;D ;D