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Salón King Crimson

Iniciado por MrBrain, 26 de Septiembre de 2013, 11:36:59 AM

Tema anterior - Siguiente tema


Cita de: icrp1961 en 12 de Septiembre de 2016, 09:26:43 AM
Cita de: jolubur en 12 de Septiembre de 2016, 09:22:32 AM
Cita de: icrp1961 en 12 de Septiembre de 2016, 09:18:56 AM
Cita de: jolubur en 12 de Septiembre de 2016, 09:15:34 AM
!Que no fragmenten The Battle of Glass Tears , por DIossss!. Que la toquen y que lo hagan de forma completa. Sólo les pido eso.
Pues ya lo han hecho.
Ya, por eso lo digo... Para que no vuelvan a hacerlooooooo :trombon: :trombon: :trombon:
Como no le mandes un correo a Robert Fripp...


Hubo un concierto previo a todos los demás el día 2.

Enseguida corrijo las estadísticas.
Music shouldn't be easy to understand. You have to come to the music yourself, gradually. Not everything must be received with open arms. (John Coltrane, 1963)
"Nada es verdad, todo está permitido" (El almuerzo desnudo, William S. Burroughs)


Se pueden hacer ya algunas estadísticas. Los siete recitales provienen de veintinueve temas.

En los siete recitales:
21st Century Schizoid Man
Banshee Leg Bells Hassle
Devil Dogs of Tesselation Row
Level Five
Radical Action (To Unseat The Hold Of Monkey Mind)
Radical Action II
The Battle of Glass Tears [Cinco como pieza entera y dos veces sólo la entrada, "Dawn Song"]
The ConstruKction of Light
The Letters

En seis de los siete recitales:
Easy Money
Hell Hounds of Krim
Pictures of a City
Suitable Grounds for the Blues

En cinco de los siete recitales:
Larks' Tongues in Aspic, Part 1

En cuatro de los siete recitales:
Threshold Soundscape / Tuning Up

En tres de los siete recitales:
Larks' Tongues in Aspic, Part 2
One More Red Nightmare
Sailor's Tale
The Court of the Crimson King
The Talking Drum

En uno de los siete:
Music shouldn't be easy to understand. You have to come to the music yourself, gradually. Not everything must be received with open arms. (John Coltrane, 1963)
"Nada es verdad, todo está permitido" (El almuerzo desnudo, William S. Burroughs)


Por origen, actualizado.

In the Court of the Crimson King - 21st Century Schizoid Man*
In the Court of the Crimson King - Epitaph
In the Court of the Crimson King - The Court of the Crimson King
In the Wake of Poseidon - Pictures of a City
Lizard - Cirkus
Lizard - The Battle of Glass Tears
Islands - Sailor's Tale
Islands - The Letters
Larks' Tongues in Aspic - Larks' Tongues in Aspic, Part 1
Larks' Tongues in Aspic - Easy Money
Larks' Tongues in Aspic - The Talking Drum
Larks' Tongues in Aspic - Larks' Tongues in Aspic, Part 2
Starless and Bible Black - Fracture
Red - Red
Red - One More Red Nightmare
Red - Starless
The ConstruKction of Light - The ConstruKction of Light
Heavy ConstruKction - "Heroes"*
The Power to Believe - Level Five
Radical Action - Banshee Leg Bells Hassle*,**
Radical Action - Devil Dogs Of Tesselation Row**
Radical Action - Hell Hounds of Krim**
Radical Action - Interlude**
Radical Action - Meltdown
Radical Action - Radical Action (To Unseat The Hold Of Monkey Mind)
Radical Action - Radical Action II
Radical Action - Suitable Grounds For The Blues
Radical Action - Threshold Soundscape

* denota bises.
** denota piezas de percusión.
Music shouldn't be easy to understand. You have to come to the music yourself, gradually. Not everything must be received with open arms. (John Coltrane, 1963)
"Nada es verdad, todo está permitido" (El almuerzo desnudo, William S. Burroughs)


Primera escucha de "Suitable Grounds for the Blues". Poco que ver con intentonas previas como "ProzaKc Blues" o "Potato Pie". Éste es el King Crimson de "Ladies of the Road".
Music shouldn't be easy to understand. You have to come to the music yourself, gradually. Not everything must be received with open arms. (John Coltrane, 1963)
"Nada es verdad, todo está permitido" (El almuerzo desnudo, William S. Burroughs)


A mi en el concierto no me dijo gran cosa pero en Radical Action me gusta mucho y en la versión que han colgado en DGM mas aun


Mucho hablar de lo de ahora y de la gira y tal y tal y tal...
Hace cuarenta y ocho años se publicó The Cheerful Insanity of Giles, Giles and Fripp.
Sí que parece que hayan pasado casi cincuenta años.
Music shouldn't be easy to understand. You have to come to the music yourself, gradually. Not everything must be received with open arms. (John Coltrane, 1963)
"Nada es verdad, todo está permitido" (El almuerzo desnudo, William S. Burroughs)


Berlin, 12 de septiembre

Set 1:
1. Tuning Up
2. The Battle of Glass Tears [sólo Dawn Song]
3. Radical Action II
4. Pictures of a City [los tres seguidos]
5. Cirkus
6. Fracture
7. Epitaph
8. Hell Hounds of Krim
9. Easy Money
10. Radical Action (To Unseat The Hold Of Monkey Mind)
11. Meltdown
12. The Talking Drum
13. Larks' Tongues in Aspic, Part 2

Set 2:
14. Devil Dogs Of Tesselation Row
15. The ConstruKction of Light
16. Level Five
17. In the Court of the Crimson King
18. The Letters
19. Red
20. One More Red Nightmare
21. Starless

22. Banshee Leg Bells Hassle
23. "Heroes"
24. 21st Century Schizoid Man
Music shouldn't be easy to understand. You have to come to the music yourself, gradually. Not everything must be received with open arms. (John Coltrane, 1963)
"Nada es verdad, todo está permitido" (El almuerzo desnudo, William S. Burroughs)


Se pueden hacer ya algunas estadísticas. Los ocho recitales se construyen con veintinueve temas.

En los ocho recitales:
21st Century Schizoid Man
Banshee Leg Bells Hassle
Devil Dogs of Tesselation Row
Level Five
Radical Action (To Unseat The Hold Of Monkey Mind)
Radical Action II
The Battle of Glass Tears [Cinco como pieza entera y tees veces sólo la entrada, "Dawn Song"]
The ConstruKction of Light
The Letters

En siete recitales:
Easy Money
Hell Hounds of Krim
Pictures of a City

En seis recitales:
Suitable Grounds for the Blues

En cinco recitales:
Larks' Tongues in Aspic, Part 1
Threshold Soundscape / Tuning Up

En cuatro recitales:
Larks' Tongues in Aspic, Part 2
One More Red Nightmare
The Court of the Crimson King
The Talking Drum

En tres recitales:
Sailor's Tale.

En un recital:
Music shouldn't be easy to understand. You have to come to the music yourself, gradually. Not everything must be received with open arms. (John Coltrane, 1963)
"Nada es verdad, todo está permitido" (El almuerzo desnudo, William S. Burroughs)


Praga, ayer.

Set 1:
1. Hell Hounds of Krim 

2. Larks' Tongues in Aspic, Part One
3. Pictures of a City 

4. Cirkus 

5. Fracture 

6. The Court of the Crimson King 

7. Radical Action (To Unseat the Hold of Monkey Mind) 

8. Meltdown 

9. Easy Money 

10. The Letters 

11. Red

Set 2:
12. Devil Dogs of Tessellation Row 

13. The Battle of Glass Tears - Part i: Dawn Song
14. Radical Action II 

15. Level Five 

16. Epitaph 

17. The ConstruKction of Light 

18. Suitable Grounds for the Blues 

19. The Talking Drum 

20. Larks' Tongues in Aspic, Part Two 

21. Starless

22. Banshee Legs Bell Hassle 

23. "Heroes"
24. 21st Century Schizoid Man
Music shouldn't be easy to understand. You have to come to the music yourself, gradually. Not everything must be received with open arms. (John Coltrane, 1963)
"Nada es verdad, todo está permitido" (El almuerzo desnudo, William S. Burroughs)


Se pueden hacer ya algunas estadísticas. Los nueve recitales se construyen con veintinueve temas.

En los nueve recitales:
21st Century Schizoid Man
Banshee Leg Bells Hassle
Devil Dogs of Tesselation Row
Level Five
Radical Action (To Unseat The Hold Of Monkey Mind)
Radical Action II
The Battle of Glass Tears [Cinco como pieza entera y cuatro veces sólo la entrada, "Dawn Song"]
The ConstruKction of Light
The Letters

En ocho recitales:
Easy Money
Hell Hounds of Krim
Pictures of a City

En siete recitales:
Suitable Grounds for the Blues

En seis recitales:
Larks' Tongues in Aspic, Part 1

En cinco recitales
Larks' Tongues in Aspic, Part 2
The Court of the Crimson King
The Talking Drum
Threshold Soundscape / Tuning Up

En cuatro recitales:
One More Red Nightmare

En tres recitales:
Sailor's Tale.

En un recital:
Music shouldn't be easy to understand. You have to come to the music yourself, gradually. Not everything must be received with open arms. (John Coltrane, 1963)
"Nada es verdad, todo está permitido" (El almuerzo desnudo, William S. Burroughs)


Demasiado esfuerzo éste de seguirle la pista a esta famosa banda de narcocorridos "Los Purpurines Colorados". Si al menos fuera un grupo de Reggetón. ¡La gasolina!
Music shouldn't be easy to understand. You have to come to the music yourself, gradually. Not everything must be received with open arms. (John Coltrane, 1963)
"Nada es verdad, todo está permitido" (El almuerzo desnudo, William S. Burroughs)


Cita de: icrp1961 en 15 de Septiembre de 2016, 08:46:36 AM
Demasiado esfuerzo éste de seguirle la pista a esta famosa banda de narcocorridos "Los Purpurines Colorados". Si al menos fuera un grupo de Reggetón. ¡La gasolina!

El rey carmesí te lo premiará  :satisonrisa:
dicebamus hesterna die...


Zabrze, 17 de septiembre

Set 1:
1. Walk On: Monk Morph Chamber Music
2. Hell Hounds of Krim
3. Larks' Tongues in Aspic, Part One
4. Pictures of a City
5. Cirkus
6. Fracture
7. The Court of the Crimson King
8. Suitable Grounds for the Blues
9. The Letters
10. Sailor's Tale
11. Interlude
12. The Talking Drum
13. Larks' Tongues in Aspic, Part Two

Set 2:
14. Devil Dogs of Tessellation Row
15. The Battle of Glass Tears (solo Dawn Song)
16. Radical Action II
17. Level Five
18. Epitaph
19. Radical Action (To Unseat the Hold of Monkey Mind)
20. Meltdown
21. Easy Money
22. Red
23. Starless

24. Banshee Legs Bell Hassle
25. 21st Century Schizoid Man
Music shouldn't be easy to understand. You have to come to the music yourself, gradually. Not everything must be received with open arms. (John Coltrane, 1963)
"Nada es verdad, todo está permitido" (El almuerzo desnudo, William S. Burroughs)


Zabrze, 18 de septiembre

Set 1:

1. Walk On: Monk Morph Chamber Music
2. Hell Hounds of Krim
3. The Battle of Glass Tears (solo Dawn Song)
4. Radical Action II
5. Level Five
6. A Scarcity of Miracles
7. Red
8. Cirkus
9. Fracture
10. The Letters
11. Sailor's Tale
12. Interlude
13. Easy Money
14. Epitaph

Set 2:
15. Devil Dogs of Tessellation Row
17. Suitable Grounds for the Blues
18. Meltdown
19. The ConstruKction of Light
20. The Talking Drum
21. Larks' Tongues in Aspic, Part Two
22. Starless

23. Banshee Legs Bell Hassle
24. The Court of the Crimson King
25. 21st Century Schizoid Man
Music shouldn't be easy to understand. You have to come to the music yourself, gradually. Not everything must be received with open arms. (John Coltrane, 1963)
"Nada es verdad, todo está permitido" (El almuerzo desnudo, William S. Burroughs)


Se pueden hacer ya algunas estadísticas. Los once recitales que conozco se construyen con treinta temas.

En los once recitales:
21st Century Schizoid Man
Banshee Leg Bells Hassle
Devil Dogs of Tesselation Row
Level Five
Radical Action II
The Battle of Glass Tears [Cinco como pieza entera y seis veces sólo la entrada, "Dawn Song"]
The Letters

En diez recitales:
Easy Money
Hell Hounds of Krim
Radical Action (To Unseat The Hold Of Monkey Mind)
The ConstruKction of Light

En nueve recitales:
Pictures of a City
Suitable Grounds for the Blues

En siete recitales:
Larks' Tongues in Aspic, Part 1
Larks' Tongues in Aspic, Part 2
The Court of the Crimson King
The Talking Drum
Threshold Soundscape / Tuning Up / Walk On: Monk Morph Chamber Music

En seis recitales:

En cinco recitales:
Sailor's Tale.

En cuatro recitales:
One More Red Nightmare

En tres recitales:

En un recital:
A Scarcity of Miracles.
Music shouldn't be easy to understand. You have to come to the music yourself, gradually. Not everything must be received with open arms. (John Coltrane, 1963)
"Nada es verdad, todo está permitido" (El almuerzo desnudo, William S. Burroughs)


Por origen, actualizado.

In the Court of the Crimson King - 21st Century Schizoid Man*
In the Court of the Crimson King - Epitaph
In the Court of the Crimson King - The Court of the Crimson King*+
In the Wake of Poseidon - Pictures of a City
Lizard - Cirkus
Lizard - The Battle of Glass Tears
Islands - Sailor's Tale
Islands - The Letters
Larks' Tongues in Aspic - Larks' Tongues in Aspic, Part 1
Larks' Tongues in Aspic - Easy Money
Larks' Tongues in Aspic - The Talking Drum
Larks' Tongues in Aspic - Larks' Tongues in Aspic, Part 2
Starless and Bible Black - Fracture
Red - Red
Red - One More Red Nightmare
Red - Starless
The ConstruKction of Light - The ConstruKction of Light
Heavy ConstruKction - "Heroes"*
The Power to Believe - Level Five
A Scarcity of Miracles - A Scarcity of Miracles
Live at Orpheum - Walk On: Monk Morph Chamber Music
Radical Action - Banshee Leg Bells Hassle*,**
Radical Action - Devil Dogs Of Tesselation Row**
Radical Action - Hell Hounds of Krim**
Radical Action - Interlude**
Radical Action - Meltdown
Radical Action - Radical Action (To Unseat The Hold Of Monkey Mind)
Radical Action - Radical Action II
Radical Action - Suitable Grounds For The Blues
Radical Action - Threshold Soundscape

* denota bises.
*+ denota bis ocasional.
** denota piezas de percusión.
Music shouldn't be easy to understand. You have to come to the music yourself, gradually. Not everything must be received with open arms. (John Coltrane, 1963)
"Nada es verdad, todo está permitido" (El almuerzo desnudo, William S. Burroughs)


Terrible desgracia, para mi, en el set list de este último concierto.

A la confirmación (cada vez más inamovible, parece) de la fragmentación de The Battle of Glass Tears, se añade la sustitución de lo que hasta ahora venía siendo un tema fijo, la versión de Heroes.

Para mi era uno de los grandes alicientes de este repertorio y ahora van y lo sustituyen en los bises por In the court of the crimson King que es, precisamente, el tema que menos me apetecía escucharles en directo, por las razones que ya expuse en su momento.

En fin, ya veremos como va evolucionando, pero me gustaba más el repertorio de sus primeros conciertos que el de los últimos.


20 de septiembre en Wroclaw, modificado, la fuente original era inexacta.

Set 1:
1. Walk On: Monk Morph Chamber Music
2. Hell Hounds of Krim

3. Larks' Tongues in Aspic, Part One
4. Pictures of a City
5. The Court of the Crimson King
6. Cirkus
7. Fracture
8. Suitable Grounds for the Blues
9. The Letters
10. Sailor's Tale
11. Interlude
12. Easy Money
13. Red 

Set 2:
14. Devil Dogs of Tessellation Row 

15. The Battle of Glass Tears (solo Dawn Song)
16. Radical Action II 

17. Level Five 

18. Epitaph 

19. Radical Action (To Unseat the Hold of Monkey Mind) 

20. Meltdown 

21. The Talking Drum
22. Larks' Tongues in Aspic, Part Two
23. Starless 

24. Banshee Legs Bell Hassle
25. 21st Century Schizoid Man
Music shouldn't be easy to understand. You have to come to the music yourself, gradually. Not everything must be received with open arms. (John Coltrane, 1963)
"Nada es verdad, todo está permitido" (El almuerzo desnudo, William S. Burroughs)


Joder, que mal rollo con el concierto de Wroclaw.
Importantes reducciones que, esperemos, no sean la tonica en adelante.


Yo sospecho un incidente serio con fotos con flash. Si es que ha sido eso estáis todos avisados.
Music shouldn't be easy to understand. You have to come to the music yourself, gradually. Not everything must be received with open arms. (John Coltrane, 1963)
"Nada es verdad, todo está permitido" (El almuerzo desnudo, William S. Burroughs)


21 de septiembre, Wroclaw

Set 1
1. Walk On: Monk Morph Chamber Music 

2. Hell Hounds of Krim

3. The Battle of Glass Tears - Dawn Song
4. Radical Action II

5. Level Five
6. A Scarcity of Miracles
7. Red
8. Cirkus
9. Fracture
10. Epitaph
11 Interlude
12. The Talking Drum
13. Larks' Tongues in Aspic, Part Two

Set 2
14. Devil Dogs of Tessellation Row
16. The Light of Day
17. The Court of the Crimson King
18. The ConstruKction of Light
19. Meltdown
20. The Letters
21. Sailor's Tale
22. Starless 

23. Banshee Legs Bell Hassle
24. "Heroes"
25. 21st Century Schizoid Man
Music shouldn't be easy to understand. You have to come to the music yourself, gradually. Not everything must be received with open arms. (John Coltrane, 1963)
"Nada es verdad, todo está permitido" (El almuerzo desnudo, William S. Burroughs)


Se pueden hacer ya algunas estadísticas. Los trece recitales que conozco se construyen con treinta y un temas.

En los trece recitales:
21st Century Schizoid Man
Banshee Leg Bells Hassle
Devil Dogs of Tesselation Row
Level Five
Radical Action II
The Battle of Glass Tears [Cinco como pieza entera y siete veces sólo la entrada, "Dawn Song"]
The Letters

En doce recitales:
Easy Money
Hell Hounds of Krim

En once recitales:
Radical Action (To Unseat The Hold Of Monkey Mind)
The ConstruKction of Light

En diez recitales:
Pictures of a City
Suitable Grounds for the Blues

En nueve recitales:
Larks' Tongues in Aspic, Part 2
The Court of the Crimson King
The Talking Drum
Threshold Soundscape / Tuning Up / Walk On: Monk Morph Chamber Music [no valorable, no siempre se lista]

En ocho recitales
Larks' Tongues in Aspic, Part 1

En siete recitales:
Sailor's Tale.

En cinco recitales:

En cuatro recitales:
One More Red Nightmare

En dos recitales:
A Scarcity of Miracles.

En un recital:
The Light of Day
Music shouldn't be easy to understand. You have to come to the music yourself, gradually. Not everything must be received with open arms. (John Coltrane, 1963)
"Nada es verdad, todo está permitido" (El almuerzo desnudo, William S. Burroughs)


Menos, mal.

Además, veo que han recuperado Heroes. Menos mal.

Lo que parece ya instalada es la mutilación de The Batllte of Glass TEars.

Veo que han tocado por primera vez en esta gira The light of day, un tema que ha evolucionado mucho (y bien, bajo mi punto de vista) desde su primera aparición en el disco Scarcity of Miracles.

Lo que se hacen de rogar (si es que salen) son las otra dos (creo que eran dos) novedades que habían prometido para esta gira.


Por origen, actualizado de nuevo.

In the Court of the Crimson King - 21st Century Schizoid Man*
In the Court of the Crimson King - Epitaph
In the Court of the Crimson King - The Court of the Crimson King*+
In the Wake of Poseidon - Pictures of a City
Lizard - Cirkus
Lizard - The Battle of Glass Tears [en ocasiones sólo la sección inicial: "Dawn Song"]
Islands - Sailor's Tale
Islands - The Letters
Larks' Tongues in Aspic - Larks' Tongues in Aspic, Part 1
Larks' Tongues in Aspic - Easy Money
Larks' Tongues in Aspic - The Talking Drum
Larks' Tongues in Aspic - Larks' Tongues in Aspic, Part 2
Starless and Bible Black - Fracture
Red - Red
Red - One More Red Nightmare
Red - Starless
The ConstruKction of Light - The ConstruKction of Light
Heavy ConstruKction - "Heroes"*
The Power to Believe - Level Five
A Scarcity of Miracles - A Scarcity of Miracles
A Scarcity of Miracles - The Light of Day
Live at Orpheum - Walk On: Monk Morph Chamber Music
Radical Action - Banshee Leg Bells Hassle*,**
Radical Action - Devil Dogs Of Tesselation Row**
Radical Action - Hell Hounds of Krim**
Radical Action - Interlude**
Radical Action - Meltdown
Radical Action - Radical Action (To Unseat The Hold Of Monkey Mind)
Radical Action - Radical Action II
Radical Action - Suitable Grounds For The Blues
Radical Action - Threshold Soundscape

* denota bises.
*+ denota bis ocasional.
** denota piezas de percusión.
Music shouldn't be easy to understand. You have to come to the music yourself, gradually. Not everything must be received with open arms. (John Coltrane, 1963)
"Nada es verdad, todo está permitido" (El almuerzo desnudo, William S. Burroughs)