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Chris Squire ha fallecido.

Iniciado por icrp1961, 19 de Mayo de 2015, 14:25:38 PM

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Que cita una fuente de facebook, oficial.

Corto y pego:

Chris Squire has leukemia, replaced by Sherwood for 2015 tour

Man... positive vibes...

From the Official Yes Facebook page:


Grammy Award-winning bass guitarist, vocalist, and founding member of YES, Chris Squire, has been diagnosed with Acute Erythroid Leukemia (AEL), an uncommon form of Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML). Chris will be receiving treatment in his hometown of Phoenix over the next few months.

YES will be honouring their commitment to their North American summer tour with Toto, as well as confirming their performances on Cruise to the Edge in November.

Chris's role in the band will be covered by YES alumnus Billy Sherwood.

To quote Chris: "This will be the first time since the band formed in 1968 that YES will have performed live without me. But the other guys and myself have agreed that Billy Sherwood will do an excellent job of covering my parts and the show as a whole will deliver the same YES experience that our fans have come to expect over the years."

Obviamente es una muy mala noticia. Además, señores, Chris Squire será sustituido por Billy Sherwood.
Esto es tan serio que no creo que sea una broma. Afortunadamente, hoy no es el primero de abril.
Music shouldn't be easy to understand. You have to come to the music yourself, gradually. Not everything must be received with open arms. (John Coltrane, 1963)
"Nada es verdad, todo está permitido" (El almuerzo desnudo, William S. Burroughs)


Muy malas noticias, pobre hombre. Me pregunto que pasará con Yes si Chris Squire no sigue.
La eritroleucemia es una forma rara de leucemia mieloide aguda caracterizada por una proliferación de elementos eritropoyéticos en la médula ósea, eritroblastos con núcleos extraños, lobulados y mieloblastos patológicos en sangre periférica. Puede tener una evolución aguda o crónica. Denominada también enfermedad de Di Guglielmo, síndrome de Di Guglielmo y leucemia eritromieloblástica.

Muy mal pronóstico:
Treatment for erythroleukemia consists of chemotherapy, frequently consisting of cytarabine, daunorubicin, and idarubicin.[2]

Acute erythroid leukemia (M6) has a relatively poor prognosis, with median survival for erythroleukemia patients of 36 weeks.[3] The 36 week prognosis is due to the rareness of M6b.

When looked at separately, prognosis comes back a little differently (survival, mean ± sd) : M6B (3 ± 3.6 months) versus M6A (25 ± 28 months), and M6C (10 ± 13 months).[4]


Para quien no entienda inglés.
Si es la forma M6B la supervivencia es de muy pocos meses. Con las otras formas, puede sobrepasar el año e incluso más. Habría que ver en qué condiciones.
Music shouldn't be easy to understand. You have to come to the music yourself, gradually. Not everything must be received with open arms. (John Coltrane, 1963)
"Nada es verdad, todo está permitido" (El almuerzo desnudo, William S. Burroughs)


Me temo que esta vez se nos va a ir un grande, un miembro fundador de una de las bandas más grandes de la música.

Seguramente esto acerque a los demás miembros. Veremos.


Sinceramente, no deberían ir más allá de las giras ya comprometidas. Si Squire muere y Sherwood fuera su reemplazo el Yes resultante sería, al menos, grotesco.
Music shouldn't be easy to understand. You have to come to the music yourself, gradually. Not everything must be received with open arms. (John Coltrane, 1963)
"Nada es verdad, todo está permitido" (El almuerzo desnudo, William S. Burroughs)


Ojalá no se quede un Yes con la fomación actual, sin Squire y Billy Sherwood. Lo mejor que podrían hacer es retirar ya el grupo. Eso o una eventual reunión con Jon y Rick para hacer un disco homenaje cuando ocurra el fatal desenlace?

Un Anderson, White, Howe, Wakeman con Tony Levin sería mucho pedir.


Music shouldn't be easy to understand. You have to come to the music yourself, gradually. Not everything must be received with open arms. (John Coltrane, 1963)
"Nada es verdad, todo está permitido" (El almuerzo desnudo, William S. Burroughs)


Parece que se morirá. Por lo que he leído. Según el tipo, de 3 meses a 53 meses.

Torpedo en la línea de flotación. Veremos qué siguen publicando. No sé si hay posibilidad de cura.


¡Qué mal me sabe! Para mí, Squire es el eje principal de uno de mis grupos favoritos.
Respecto a lo de Sherwood comparto plenamente la opinión de Carlos, sería un Yes grotesco.
Pienso que Yes se deberían de haber retirado hace muchos años. Ahora tienen la ocasión de hacerlo saliendo por la puerta grande al hacerlo como homenaje a uno de sus puntales básicos a quien por lo que contais, se le está acabando la vida a la carrera.
Iré adonde tú vayas, viviré donde tú vivas; tu pueblo será mi pueblo y tu Dios será mi Dios; moriré donde tú mueras, y allí me enterrarán. Juro ante el Señor que solo la muerte podrá separarnos.
Rut 1, 16-17


Joderrrrr, mala noticia  :lloron:

Yo también pienso que es el momento de replantearse muy seriamente YES, si puede seguir con una calidad buena, entieandese algo como decía Sahagun, vale si no mejor echar el cierre.

Un pensamiento en positivo por Chris :prog:




La peor de las noticias. El alma mater de Yes.
Lo del " sustituto " mejor ni comento.
Ojalá pueda salir de esta.


John Wetton acaba de anunciar en twitter el fallecimiento de Chris Squire.  :lloron:

Descanse en paz.


En los grupos de facebook correspondientes ya se han hecho eco de la noticia.
Yo le pediría a lo que queda de Yes que se disuelvan, por respeto si no hacia ellos, sí hacia el co-fundador del grupo. Un Yes sin Jon Anderson y Cris Squire es impensable, y lo segundo ya no tiene remedio.
Descanse en paz.
Music shouldn't be easy to understand. You have to come to the music yourself, gradually. Not everything must be received with open arms. (John Coltrane, 1963)
"Nada es verdad, todo está permitido" (El almuerzo desnudo, William S. Burroughs)


Cita de: icrp1961 en 28 de Junio de 2015, 20:37:00 PM
En los grupos de facebook correspondientes ya se han hecho eco de la noticia.
Yo le pediría a lo que queda de Yes que se disuelvan, por respeto si no hacia ellos, sí hacia el co-fundador del grupo. Un Yes sin Jon Anderson y Cris Squire es impensable, y lo segundo ya no tiene remedio.
Descanse en paz.

Tremenda noticia. Cuando vivía la música como fan Yes era mi grupo y Chris el músico. Agur, compañero de aquellos años.
dicebamus hesterna die...






triste, triste noticia..... una pena como se lo comió la enfermedad en tan poco tiempo

descanse en paz


Cita de: jajani en 28 de Junio de 2015, 20:55:00 PM
Cita de: icrp1961 en 28 de Junio de 2015, 20:37:00 PM
En los grupos de facebook correspondientes ya se han hecho eco de la noticia.
Yo le pediría a lo que queda de Yes que se disuelvan, por respeto si no hacia ellos, sí hacia el co-fundador del grupo. Un Yes sin Jon Anderson y Cris Squire es impensable, y lo segundo ya no tiene remedio.
Descanse en paz.
Tremenda noticia. Cuando vivía la música como fan Yes era mi grupo y Chris el músico. Agur, compañero de aquellos años.
Antes del ascenso de Magma en mi vida King Crimson era "mi" grupo y Yes ostentaba el segundo lugar. Yo insisto en la idea de que no destrocen más el nombre y que lo dejen y que Billy Sherwood se vuelva a Circa.
Music shouldn't be easy to understand. You have to come to the music yourself, gradually. Not everything must be received with open arms. (John Coltrane, 1963)
"Nada es verdad, todo está permitido" (El almuerzo desnudo, William S. Burroughs)



También ha sido uno de mis grupos de referencia durante muchos años.

Esto ha escrito Bill Bruford en Facebook:

Really saddened to hear of the death of my old Yes band-mate, Chris Squire. I shall remember him fondly; one of the twin rocks upon which Yes was founded and, I believe, the only member to have been present and correct, Rickenbacker at the ready, on every tour. He and I had a working relationship built around our differences. Despite, or perhaps because of, the old chestnut about creative tension, it seemed, strangely, to work.

He had an approach that contrasted sharply with the somewhat monotonic, immobile bass parts of today. His lines were important; counter-melodic structural components that you were as likely to go away humming as the top line melody; little stand-alone works of art in themselves. Whenever I think of him, which is not infrequently, I think of the over-driven fuzz of the sinewy staccato hits in Close to the Edge (6'04" and on) or a couple of minutes later where he sounds like a tuba (8'.00"). While he may have taken a while to arrive at the finished article, it was always worth waiting for. And then he would sing a different part on top.

An individualist in an age when it was possible to establish individuality, Chris fearlessly staked out a whole protectorate of bass playing in which he was lord and master. I suspect he knew not only that he gave millions of people pleasure with his music, but also that he was fortunate to be able to do so. I offer sincere condolences to his family.

Adios, partner. Bill.
"This was serious. She's got an oboe, and she knows what to do with it." - John Greaves, "Henry Cow: The world is a problem"


Jon Anderson (
CitarChris was a very special part of my life; we were musical brothers. He was an amazingly unique bass player - very poetic - and had a wonderful knowledge of harmony. We met at a certain time when music was very open, and I feel blessed to have created some wonderful, adventurous, music with him. Chris had such a great sense of humor... he always said he was Darth Vader to my Obiwan. I always thought of him as Christopher Robin to my Winnie the Pooh.

We travelled a road less travelled and I'm so thankful that he climbed the musical mountains with me. Throughout everything, he was still my brother, and I'm so glad we were able to reconnect recently. I saw him in my meditation last night, and he was radiant. My heart goes out to his family and loved ones.

Love and light.....Jon

Trevor Rabin (
CitarHi everyone,
I am about as sad as I could be.
You all I'm sure know by now that Chris has passed.
I spoke to him about a week ago, and we were still laughing together.
Even though he had recently taken a turn for the worse, this was not totally unexpected, and the shock and sadness is extreme. I will miss him terribly.
An era is over. Music has lost a one of a kind, and I have lost a dear friend and brother. RIP

Y ayer en Twitter hubo un autentico desfile de condolencias y pésames. Desde gente del mundo del rock progresivo hasta músicos como Mark King de Level 42 o Gary Kemp de Spandau Ballet. Llegó a ser tendencia en español durante varias horas...

Lo que dice Rabin sobre una "era que se ha terminado" es algo que se ha repetido en muchos mensajes de aficionados.


Steve Hackett (
CitarHaving just arrived back from Peru today, Jo and I heard the terrible news about Chris Squire. We were travelling back via Madrid when we heard of his passing. I feel I've lost a brother...

Jo and I spent masses of time with Chris and his wife Scotland (Scotty to pals) sharing music and stories of the road, mutual friends, many laughs and so much more...

I can't believe a powerhouse like Chris can be snuffed out like a candle and I believe he's now in spirit where we will all survive once we finally get our promotion! (I didn't call that one time album 'Spectral Mornings' for nothing) Just a reflection or two regarding my pal... As well as our Squackett album which we enjoyed creating so much together, in recent times, Chris joined my band along with John Wetton for a seafaring version of 'All Along the Watchtower' on the last Cruise to the Edge, and he also played bass on Love Song to a Vampire on my album 'Wolflight'. When I was going through a difficult time in my personal life with the divorce a few years back, Chris was a great support. We worked on a number of projects, egging each other on and on. Whenever we were playing or singing together he approached it with all the enthusiasm of a kid in a shiny new toy shop. As the music took hold of him, he seemed to transform and roll with every note and fibre of his being. He was fully engaged with the process of turning musical notes into magic with his extraordinary ability. He was the powerhouse that drove Yes through many campaigns. They reinvented themselves through practically every album. I think like Nelson undaunted Chris was a man who saw no obstacles... He saw no ships... Only opportunities to succeed in the most positive manner. Yes was a band aptly named.

Chris, you've left a stunning legacy for us all to admire for eternity. Your work is an inspiration for legions of musicians and followers. A huge influence on so many, including a little band that followed in your footsteps called Genesis...What a privilege to have listened to you on stage, a thrill to have worked with you and to have shared such sweet times. Chris was the king of the bass, a great band leader with a huge positive personality.

Our hearts go out to wife Scotty, daughter Xilan and all his family.



Cita de: tommy en 29 de Junio de 2015, 16:19:13 PM
por cierto, las reseñas de "Público" y "Libertad Digital" son calcadas..... curioso....   ^-^  .... son las secciones culturales de la prensa; incluso comparten el gazapo con la de "El Mundo" de escribir que el primer disco de Yes se llamó sweetnes

¿alguien piensa que el que escribe de cultura en esos periódicos tiene algún conocimiento sobre Yes? Ambos tiran de agencia (en este caso EFE). Esas grandes agencias son las que controlan el 90% de la información y a su vez son controladas por los grandes grupos económicos.
dicebamus hesterna die...