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El album perdido de VDG, tras The Quiet Zone / The Pleasure Dome

Iniciado por icrp1961, 19 de Mayo de 2015, 13:59:37 PM

Tema anterior - Siguiente tema


Sólo es posible una aproximación a otro álbum hipotético.
Se usa el álbum Vital con todas las "novedades", sólo éstas. Hay un companion cd, con piezas relacionadas.

VDG - There are no secrets

01. Ship of Fools [Vital]
02. Mirror Images [Vital]
03. A Plague of Sleepwalkers [Vital]
04. Sci-Finance [Vital]
05. Door [Vital]
06. Urban/Killer/Urban [Vital]
07. Nadir´s Big Chance [Vital]

Bonus Disc
01. Crying Wolf [Over]
02. Autumn (BBC) [The Peel Sessions]
03. Time Heals [Over]
04. Betrayed (BBC) [The Peel Sessions]
05. Afterwards (BBC) [The Peel Sessions]
06. Lost and Found [Over]
07. The Wave (demo) [The Quiet Zone / The Pleasure Dome]
08. Door (outtake) [The Quiet Zone / The Pleasure Dome]
09. Ship of Fools (b-side) [The Quiet Zone / The Pleasure Dome]
10. Cat's Eye / Yellow Fever (BBC) [After the Flood]
11. The Sphinx in the Face (BBC) [After the Flood]
12. A Plague of Sleepwalkers (BBC) [After the Flood]
Music shouldn't be easy to understand. You have to come to the music yourself, gradually. Not everything must be received with open arms. (John Coltrane, 1963)
"Nada es verdad, todo está permitido" (El almuerzo desnudo, William S. Burroughs)