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Novedades de Andy Tillison (The Tangent)

Iniciado por luis, 19 de Julio de 2016, 09:46:28 AM

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Andy Tillison ha publicado esto en Facebook, que yo copy-y-pego de Progarchy
Citar"Hello Everyone. At Last some news including some proper TANGENT news – so please read on....

    Firstly – Durch eventually arrived here and and is in the postal system right now – expect signs of life this week – depending on where you are.. ALL copies were posted on FRIDAY. I am sorry that this took so long, we were messed about – again! -by a manufacturer. Our normal maker was too busy to fit us in, (but ironically would have finished the job before the replacement service did). And although there's nothing particularly awful about it, the cover printing isn't as good as normal... I just could not bear to send it back and suffer yet more delays. Expect your long overdue parcels soon with my thanks for your patience and suffice to say that another picture of me doesn't require the printing quality that boy bands might need.

    Secondly.. My health. I am officially entirely recovered from my heart attack with a clean bill of health from the cardiac specialists who have been looking after me. A secondary problem, a most uncharacteristic depression apparently related to the heart attack, has kept me very much out of music and in a rather hermit like state. This is something which is, happily, beginning to disappear. Thanks again to everyone for the kind messages I have received and apologies to those to whom I did not reply. I was very far away from here.

    Thirdly and most importantly...The Tangent. I am very happy to say that The Tangent will return to music and that the return will be quicker than you might imagine. We are hoping within the next month to present you with a fully produced near 20 minute "epic" featuring Jonas, Myself, Luke and Theo playing together for the first time for 2 years. This will be a mega taster for what we'll be doing next year – yet will be available ONLINE to everyone regardless of whether they pre-order or not. Recording is under way right now. The new material will form a part of the projected album slated for 2017. On this new album I will be playing both acoustic and electronic drums, something I haven't done as yet, despite having played the drums since the late 70s. Watch this space for the official online release!!! More news on this later

    Next... Theo and I have been doing some test "House Concerts" and they have been very pleasurable – see photos. A range of improvised music, Tangent songs, the improbable drum solo, chat about the songs and our instruments etc, and the odd cover version have provided entertainment in a different setting from the usual venues. If any of you are interested in having us play in your home, then please feel free to contact us ONLY at this address: – not via Facebook please.

    At least one of the first "takers" of this new venture is here on the list so I'll ask him to give a report on "how it went" from his point of view!

    Back to the Tangent though:
    It's important to say that the new Tangent will not be the same as before. Many of you realise that "Spark In The Aether" was a sort of bookend to the band's career so far. I think our future as a band lies in being more experimental, politically outspoken and slightly more dangerous. The world of Prog has seen a lot of bands operating in the Tangent's area ( read as "the area we have been IN", not "the area we owned") of the genre in recent years and the idea of continuing the band in and among that kind of competition does not really float my boat any more. While the band's outlook will remain 100 percent progressive (note small p sic) we are not going to be chasing poll wins (not that we ever were) and don't expect to be headlining prestigious festivals any time soon. I would like to follow "The Road Less Travelled" now and feel that The Tangent has done plenty of good mainstream prog rock of which I am proud but now it's time to spread our wings a little. In fact I think we waited too long...

    There will be some we sadly lose as we make this change. I thank them for the support over the years and encourage them to at least give us a try. To those of you who intend to stay with us, this is going to be an interesting ride. But to answer the question – "Will there still be blistering Hammond Bits driving bass – impossible guitar and over the top synth shrieking, out of tune singing and ludicrous time signatures?" .... don't be silly! Of course there will!

    And Finally – The new Karmakanic album is out.... it's utterly fabulous, I'm delighted to have been a small part of it and Jonas Reingold's post on this page has a link to some of the work that you can listen to....

    Best to everyone and keep your eyes open..."


A ver.
Tillison está bien (me alegro, me gusta mucho The Tangent).
Van a colgar una pieza nueva no vinculada a la compra de nada.
The Tangent cierra etapa y abre una nueva, y ya están trabajando en un nuevo disco.
¿Es esto?
Me parece estupendo.
Music shouldn't be easy to understand. You have to come to the music yourself, gradually. Not everything must be received with open arms. (John Coltrane, 1963)
"Nada es verdad, todo está permitido" (El almuerzo desnudo, William S. Burroughs)


Recién visto via twitter, "THE TANGENT Premier 20-Minute Long Track "A Few Steps Down The Wrong Road"; Video Streaming"

Lo voy a oir ahora mismo.