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Los discos oficiales de Soft Machine, Soft Machine Legacy y asociados, por orden

Iniciado por icrp1961, 13 de Abril de 2016, 13:45:43 PM

Tema anterior - Siguiente tema


Todo lo oficial, por su orden, primera parte:

19620700   Canterburied Sounds Volume 3 [8-9]   B. Hopper, H. Hopper   
19621200   Canterburied Sounds Volume 4 [8]   B. Hopper, H. Hopper, M.Ratledge, R. Wyatt   
19630000   Canterburied Sounds Volume 1 [2]   R. Wyatt, B. Hopper   
19630000   Canterburied Sounds Volume 1 [3]   M. Ratledge, R. Wyatt   
19630000   Canterburied Sounds Volume 1 [7]   B. Hopper, H. Hopper, M.Ratledge, R. Wyatt   
19630000   Canterburied Sounds Volume 2 [5]   M. Ratledge, R. Wyatt   
19630000   Canterburied Sounds Volume 2 [7]   R. Wyatt   
19630603   Live 1963   Daevid Allen Trio   
19640000   Canterburied Sounds Volume 1 [10]   M. Ratledge   
19640000   Canterburied Sounds Volume 1 [11]   B. Hopper, H. Hopper, R. Wyatt   
19640000   Canterburied Sounds Volume 1 [9]   R. Wyatt, guitarrist   
19640000   Canterburied Sounds Volume 2 [9]   R. Wyatt w. others   
19640000   Canterburied Sounds Volume 3 [10]   B. Hopper, H. Hopper, R. Wyatt   
19640000   Canterburied Sounds Volume 3 [2-4]   M. Ratledge, R. Wyatt   
19640000   Canterburied Sounds Volume 3 [7]   B. Hopper, H. Hopper, R. Wyatt, guitarrist   
19640000   Canterburied Sounds Volume 4 [2]   M. Ratledge, B. Hopper, R. Wyatt, guitarist   
19640000   Canterburied Sounds Volume 4 [3]   M. Ratledge, R. Wyatt, guitarrist   
19640000   Canterburied Sounds Volume 4 [6]   M. Ratledge   
19640700   Canterburied Sounds Volume 1 [5-6]   The Wilde Flowers   
19641200   Canterburied Sounds Volume 4 [7]   The Wilde Flowers   
19650000   Canterburied Sounds Volume 4 [5]   B. Hopper, R. Wyatt   
19650316   The Wilde Flowers [5-7/11]   The Wilde Flowers   
19651000   The Wilde Flowers [4/8-1]   The Wilde Flowers   
19651200   Canterburied Sounds Volume 1 [4]   B. Hopper, R. Wyatt   
19651200   Canterburied Sounds Volume 2 [4]   B. Hopper, R. Wyatt   
19660300   The Wilde Flowers [2-3/12-16]   The Wilde Flowers   

Entre corchetes el número de orden de la pieza del CD en su disco correspondiente.
Music shouldn't be easy to understand. You have to come to the music yourself, gradually. Not everything must be received with open arms. (John Coltrane, 1963)
"Nada es verdad, todo está permitido" (El almuerzo desnudo, William S. Burroughs)


Todo lo oficial, por su orden, segunda parte:

19670100   "Love Make Sweet Music" [7"] Triple Echo / Soft Machine [bonus track]   Soft Machine   
19670100   Live 1963 [7]   Soft Machine   
19670400   At the Beginning   Soft Machine   
19670400   Turns On Vol.1 [1/3]   Soft Machine   
19670600   "She's Gone" Triple Echo   Soft Machine   
19670916   Middle Earth Masters [1-8]   Soft Machine   
19670922   Turns On Vol.1 [2/11]   Soft Machine   
19671000   Middle Earth Masters [11]   Soft Machine   
19671110   Turns On Vol.1 [9-10, 13-16]   Soft Machine   
19671110   Turns On Vol.2 [6]   Soft Machine   
19671205   BBC Radio 1967-71 [CD1, 1-5]   Soft Machine   
19671205   Turns On Vol.1 [4-5, 7, 12]   Soft Machine   
19671210   Turns On Vol.2 [1-5]   Soft Machine   
19680400   Soft Machine   Soft Machine   Canon
19680500   Middle Earth Masters [9-10]   Soft Machine   
19680811   Turns On Vol.2 [7-14]   Soft Machine   
19681000   Canterburied Sounds Volume 3 [1]   R. Wyatt, Jimi Hendrix   
19690100   Canterburied Sounds Volume 2 [3]   Soft Machine   
19690300   Volume Two   Soft Machine   Canon
19690329   Live at the Paradiso   Soft Machine   
19690500   Backwards [6]   Soft Machine   
19690610   BBC Radio 1967-71 [CD1, 6-7]   Soft Machine   
19690625   Anatomy of a Facelift [2]   Soft Machine / Hugh Hopper
19690630   Spaced   Soft Machine   
19690806   The Wilde Flowers [1/20-22]   Soft Machine   
19691028   Anatomy of a Facelift [3]   Soft Machine / Hugh Hopper
19691110   BBC Radio 1967-71 [CD1, 8, CD2 6]   Soft Machine   
19691110   Canterburied Sounds Volume 2 [2]   R. Wyatt   
19691207   Backwards [4-5]   Soft Machine   
19700104   Noisette   Soft Machine   
19700104   Anatomy of a Facelift [4]   Soft Machine / Hugh Hopper
19700131   Breda Reactor   Soft Machine   
19700200   Live 1970 [1-2]   Soft Machine   
19700424   Somewhere in Soho   Soft Machine   
19700426   Facelift   Soft Machine   
19700500   Third   Soft Machine   Canon
19700504   BBC Radio 1967-71 [CD1, 9]   Soft Machine   
19700521   Backwards [1-3]   Soft Machine   
19700813   Live 1970 [3-11]   Soft Machine   
19700813   Live at the Proms   Soft Machine   
19700813   Third [Bonus CD]   Soft Machine   
19701025   Grides [CD]   Soft Machine   
19701118   Fourth   Soft Machine   Canon
19701215   BBC Radio 1967-71 [CD2, 1-2]   Soft Machine   
19710228   Live at Henie Onstad Art Centre 1971   Soft Machine
19710228   Anatomy of a Facelift [5]   Soft Machine / Hugh Hopper
19710311   BBC in Concert 1971   Soft Machine   
19710321   Anatomy of a Facelift [6]   Soft Machine / Hugh Hopper
19710323   Grides [DVD]   Soft Machine   
19710323   Virtually   Soft Machine   
19710601   BBC Radio 1967-71 [CD2, 3-5]   Soft Machine   
19711107   Drop   Soft Machine   
19711115   BBC Radio 1971-73 [CD1, 1-3]   Soft Machine   
19711207   Fifth [1]   Soft Machine   Canon
19720225   Fifth [2]   Soft Machine   Canon
19720502   Live in France   Soft Machine   
19720711   BBC Radio 1971-73 [CD1, 4]   Soft Machine   
19720720   BBC in Concert 1972   Soft Machine   
19721101   Six Album [1]   Soft Machine   Canon
19721205   Six Album [2]   Soft Machine   Canon
19730517   NDR Jazz Workshop - Hamburg, Germany 1973   Soft Machine   
19730717   Seven   Soft Machine   Canon
19731030   BBC Radio 1971-73 [CD1, 5-6, CD2 1-2]   Soft Machine   
19740610   BBC Radio 1971-73 [CD2 3-5]   Soft Machine   
19740704   Switzerland 1974   Soft Machine   
19740726   Bundles   Soft Machine   Canon
19750129   Floating World Live   Soft Machine   
19751011   British Tour '75   Soft Machine   
19760309   Rubber Riff    Soft Machine   
19760319   Softs   Soft Machine   Canon
19761000   Cruel But Fair   Hopper, Dean, Tippett, Gallivan   
19770605   Mercy Dash   Hopper, Dean, Tippett, Gallivan   
19770708   Alive & Well (Recorded in Paris)   Soft Machine   Canon
19780500   Rogue Element   Soft Head   
19781007   Soft Heap   Soft Heap   
19781122   Al Dente   Soft Heap   
19800719   Land of Cockayne   Soft Machine   Canon

Entre corchetes el número de orden de la pieza (o cara o elepé) del CD en su disco correspondiente.
Music shouldn't be easy to understand. You have to come to the music yourself, gradually. Not everything must be received with open arms. (John Coltrane, 1963)
"Nada es verdad, todo está permitido" (El almuerzo desnudo, William S. Burroughs)


Todo lo oficial, por su orden, tercera parte:

19970228   The Mind in the Trees    Dean, Hopper, Clarke, Knight   
20020607   Abracadabra   Soft Works    Canon
20030810   Soft Mountain   Soft Mountain   
20040617   Soft Bounds   Soft Bounds
20040617   Soft Boundaires [1,2]    Hugh Hopper
20050510   Live in Zaandam    Soft Machine Legacy   Canon
20050617   Soft Boundaires   [3,4]    Hugh Hopper
20050905   Soft Machine Legacy   Soft Machine Legacy   Canon
20051212   Live at the New Morning   Soft Machine Legacy   Canon
20061230   Steam   Soft Machine Legacy   Canon
20091223   Live Adventures   Soft Machine Legacy   Canon
20130100   Burden of Proof    Soft Machine Legacy   Canon
Music shouldn't be easy to understand. You have to come to the music yourself, gradually. Not everything must be received with open arms. (John Coltrane, 1963)
"Nada es verdad, todo está permitido" (El almuerzo desnudo, William S. Burroughs)


Carlos, mienteme, no me digas quelos tienes todos?

Luis me falta 43¡¡¡¡¡¡


Cita de: vallekas98 en 13 de Abril de 2016, 17:38:38 PM
Carlos, mienteme, no me digas quelos tienes todos?

Luis me falta 43¡¡¡¡¡¡
La respuesta rápida es... ¡Sí!
Music shouldn't be easy to understand. You have to come to the music yourself, gradually. Not everything must be received with open arms. (John Coltrane, 1963)
"Nada es verdad, todo está permitido" (El almuerzo desnudo, William S. Burroughs)


Bueno... son sólo 62 discos y no he listado alguno como The Peel Sessions para no ser repetitivo.

01 Canterburied Sounds Volume 3 VVAA 
02 Canterburied Sounds Volume 4 VVAA
03 Canterburied Sounds Volume 1 VVAA 
04 Canterburied Sounds Volume 2 VVAA
05 Live 1963   Daevid Allen Trio   
06 The Wilde Flowers The Wilde Flowers
07 Triple Echo Soft Machine   
08 At the Beginning   Soft Machine   
09 Turns On Vol.1 Soft Machine
10 Middle Earth Masters Soft Machine   
11 Turns On Vol.2 Soft Machine   
12 BBC Radio 1967-71 Soft Machine   
13 Soft Machine   Soft Machine   Canon
14 Volume Two   Soft Machine   Canon
15 Live at the Paradiso   Soft Machine   
16 Backwards Soft Machine   
17 Anatomy of a Facelift Soft Machine / Hugh Hopper
18 Spaced Soft Machine
19 Noisette   Soft Machine   
20 Breda Reactor   Soft Machine   
21 Live 1970 Soft Machine   
22 Somewhere in Soho   Soft Machine   
23 Facelift   Soft Machine   
24 Third   Soft Machine   Canon + 24'  Third [Bonus CD]
25 Live at the Proms   Soft Machine 
26 Grides [CD] Soft Machine + 26' Grides [DVD]
27  Fourth   Soft Machine   Canon
28  Live at Henie Onstad Art Centre 1971   Soft Machine   
29  BBC in Concert 1971   Soft Machine   
30  Virtually  Soft Machine   
31  Drop   Soft Machine   
32  BBC Radio 1971-73 Soft Machine   
33  Fifth Soft Machine   Canon
34  Live in France   Soft Machine   
35  BBC in Concert 1972   Soft Machine   
36  Six Album Soft Machine   Canon
37 NDR Jazz Workshop - Hamburg, Germany 1973   Soft Machine   
38 Seven   Soft Machine   Canon
39 Switzerland 1974   Soft Machine   
40 Bundles   Soft Machine   Canon
41 Floating World Live   Soft Machine   
42 British Tour '75   Soft Machine   
43 Rubber Riff    Soft Machine   
44 Softs   Soft Machine   Canon
45 Cruel But Fair   Hopper, Dean, Tippett, Gallivan   
46 Mercy Dash   Hopper, Dean, Tippett, Gallivan   
47 Alive & Well (Recorded in Paris)   Soft Machine   Canon
48 Rogue Element   Soft Head   
49 Soft Heap   Soft Heap   
50 Al Dente   Soft Heap   
51 Land of Cockayne   Soft Machine   Canon
52 The Mind in the Trees    Dean, Hopper, Clarke, Knight   
53 Abracadabra   Soft Works    Canon
54 Soft Mountain   Soft Mountain   
55 Soft Bounds   Soft Bounds   
56 Soft Boundaires    Soft Bounds / Hugh Hopper
57 Live in Zaandam    Soft Machine Legacy   Canon
58 Soft Machine Legacy   Soft Machine Legacy   Canon
59 Live at the New Morning   Soft Machine Legacy   Canon
60 Steam   Soft Machine Legacy   Canon
61 Live Adventures   Soft Machine Legacy   Canon
62 Burden of Proof   Soft Machine Legacy   Canon
Music shouldn't be easy to understand. You have to come to the music yourself, gradually. Not everything must be received with open arms. (John Coltrane, 1963)
"Nada es verdad, todo está permitido" (El almuerzo desnudo, William S. Burroughs)


El canon sería éste:

   Soft Machine:
07 Triple Echo
13 Soft Machine
14 Volume Two
23 Third
26 Fourth 
32 Fifth
35 Six Album
37 Seven
39 Bundles
43 Softs
46 Alive & Well (Recorded in Paris)
50 Land of Cockayne
   Soft Works:
52 Abracadabra
   Soft Machine Legacy:
56 Live in Zaandam
57 Soft Machine Legacy   Canon
58 Live at the New Morning
59 Steam
60 Live Adventures
61 Burden of Proof
Music shouldn't be easy to understand. You have to come to the music yourself, gradually. Not everything must be received with open arms. (John Coltrane, 1963)
"Nada es verdad, todo está permitido" (El almuerzo desnudo, William S. Burroughs)


La discografía básica, canónica:

   Soft Machine:
01 - Soft Machine
02 - Volume Two
03 - Third
04 - Fourth 
05 - Fifth
06 - Six Album
07 - Seven
08 - Bundles
09 - Softs
10 - Alive & Well (Recorded in Paris)
11 - Land of Cockayne
   Soft Works:
12 - Abracadabra
   Soft Machine Legacy:
13 - Soft Machine Legacy
14 - Steam
15 - Burden of Proof
   Soft Machine:
16 - Hidden Details
Music shouldn't be easy to understand. You have to come to the music yourself, gradually. Not everything must be received with open arms. (John Coltrane, 1963)
"Nada es verdad, todo está permitido" (El almuerzo desnudo, William S. Burroughs)


Nueva versión.

01 Canterburied Sounds Volume 3                       VVAA 
02 Canterburied Sounds Volume 4                       VVAA
03 Canterburied Sounds Volume 1                        VVAA 
04 Canterburied Sounds Volume 2                       VVAA
05 Live 1963                                          Daevid Allen Trio   
06 The Wilde Flowers                             The Wilde Flowers
07 Triple Echo                                        Soft Machine   
08 At the Beginning / Jet Propelled Photographs           Soft Machine   
09 Turns On Vol.1                                     Soft Machine
10 Middle Earth Masters                                  Soft Machine   
11 Turns On Vol.2                                     Soft Machine   
12 BBC Radio 1967-71                             Soft Machine   
13 Soft Machine                                       Soft Machine                Canon
14 Volume Two                                       Soft Machine                Canon
15 Live at the Paradiso                                    Soft Machine   
16 Backwards                                           Soft Machine   
17 Anatomy of a Facelift                                  Soft Machine / Hugh Hopper
18 Spaced                                        Soft Machine
19 Facelift - France and Holland                               Soft Machine
20 Noisette                                          Soft Machine   
21 Breda Reactor                                       Soft Machine   
22 Live 1970                                        Soft Machine   
23 Somewhere in Soho                               Soft Machine   
24 Facelift                                          Soft Machine   
25 Third                                                  Soft Machine                Canon + 24'  Third [Bonus CD]
26 Live at the Proms                               Soft Machine 
27 Grides [CD]                                        Soft Machine + 26' Grides [DVD]
28 Fourth                                          Soft Machine                Canon
29 Live at Henie Onstad Art Centre 1971                    Soft Machine   
30 BBC in Concert 1971                                    Soft Machine   
31 Virtually                                         Soft Machine   
32 Drop                                                  Soft Machine   
33 BBC Radio 1971-74                             Soft Machine   
34 Fifth                                                Soft Machine                 Canon
35 Live in France                                       Soft Machine   
36 BBC in Concert 1972                                    Soft Machine   
37 Six Album                                        Soft Machine                 Canon
38 NDR Jazz Workshop - Hamburg, Germany 1973   Soft Machine   
39 Seven                                          Soft Machine                 Canon
40 Switzerland 1974                               Soft Machine   
41 Bundles                                          Soft Machine                 Canon
42 Floating World Live                                    Soft Machine   
43 British Tour '75                                       Soft Machine   
44 Rubber Riff                                        Soft Machine   
45 Softs                                                  Soft Machine                 Canon
46 Cruel But Fair                                       Hopper, Dean, Tippett, Gallivan   
47 Mercy Dash                                       Hopper, Dean, Tippett, Gallivan   
48 Alive & Well (Recorded in Paris)                         Soft Machine                 Canon
49 Rogue Element                                       Soft Head   
50 Soft Heap                                          Soft Heap   
51 Al Dente                                          Soft Heap   
52 Land of Cockayne                               Soft Machine                 Canon
53 The Mind in the Trees                                     Dean, Hopper, Clarke, Knight   
54 Abracadabra                                       Soft Works                  Canon
55 Abracadabra in Osaka                                  Soft Works
56 Soft Mountain                                       Soft Mountain   
57 Soft Bounds                                       Soft Bounds   
58 Soft Boundaires                                     Soft Bounds / Hugh Hopper
59 Live in Zaandam                                Soft Machine Legacy      Canon
60 Soft Machine Legacy                            Soft Machine Legacy           Canon
61 Live at the New Morning                            Soft Machine Legacy             Canon
62 Steam                                          Soft Machine Legacy      Canon
63 Live Adventures                                       Soft Machine Legacy      Canon
64 Burden of Proof                                       Soft Machine Legacy      Canon
65 Hidden Details                                    Soft Machine               Canon
66 Live at the Baked Potato                        Soft Machine              Canon
Music shouldn't be easy to understand. You have to come to the music yourself, gradually. Not everything must be received with open arms. (John Coltrane, 1963)
"Nada es verdad, todo está permitido" (El almuerzo desnudo, William S. Burroughs)